© João Duarte

Travel to Braga - Portugal

The Minho region forms the northwest corner of Portugal and is included in the Costa Verde (Green Coast) region, by virtue of its outstanding natural beauty. The Minho, whilst retaining its traditional colour and customs, is a dynamic and forward-looking region.

The city is located 50 Km north from Porto city.

The Municipality of Braga has an area of 187 Km2 with around 900,000 inhabitants and the city is dominated by the hills of Bom Jesus, Sameiro and Falperra. In the former hill, the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte dominate the landscape and is a UNESCO World Heritage Centre https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1590/

The climate is characterised by winters of high pluviosity and low temperatures and by summers of low humidity and high temperatures.

Additional information can be found at http://portugal-info.net/costaverde/braga.htm

By Car: For participants travelling by car through Spain it is suggested to enter Portugal at Vilar-Formoso. Starting here, the IP5 dual carriage-way leads to Aveiro, but at Albergaria (176 Km) participants should enter the A1 motorway and go to north in the direction of Porto (58 Km), cross the city of Porto, using the Freixo bridge, without leaving the motorway and exit at the junction for the A3 motorway to Braga (53 km).

By Train: Participants entering Portugal from Spain should travel to Porto, railway station “Campanhã”. Here you make the connection to Braga. Trains operate on an approximately hourly basis. You can find the Intercity (faster) and the Urban (slower) timetables at: https://www.cp.pt/passageiros/en

By Air then Taxi or Metro/Train: Participants should take flights to Porto Airport (OPO). Daily flights are available to and from most important

European and some non-European cities. You are advised to travel by taxi from the airport to Braga. The taxi fare is 60-80 Euros and takes 40 min.

Alternatively, you can use the Metro train to central Porto railway station “Campanhã” – by taking the “E line”: https://en.metrodoporto.pt/

In Campanhã station you make the train connection to Braga, as abovementioned (“By Train”).

Additional information:

Language: English will be the official language of the Conference and no simultaneous translation will be provided.

Badges and Identification: Each participant will receive a name badge, which is to be worn at all times during conference activities and social events.

Certificates: Certificates of attendance and participation will be given.

Coffees and Lunch tickets: Coffees, beverages and Lunch meals are included in the registration fee. Special meals will be provided under previous


Climate: The temperatures in Braga in June are comfortable with daily high temperatures increase by 3°C, from 22°C to 25°C, rarely falling below

16°C or exceeding 30°C. Daily low temperatures increase by 2°C, from 13°C to 15°C, rarely falling below 9°C or exceeding 18°C.

However, the participants are advised to bring an umbrella and some warm clothes in case of bad weather.

Currency, Credit Cards and Taxes on Goods and Services: The Portuguese currency is the € (Euro). Common credit cards, including American

Express, Dinners Club, Master Card and Visa, are accepted in most hotels, restaurants and shops. In Portugal goods and services are subject to

payment of an “IVA” (value-added tax). This tax is 23%, but some goods pay only 6% (e.g. food commodities, medicines, transports) or 13% (e.g.

alcoholic beverages, ready-meals, shows).

For more information click here

For useful phrases click here

Almada Negreiros College

Faculdade de Direito,
Tv. Estêvão Pinto, Lisboa



Almada Negreiros College

Faculdade de Direito,
Tv. Estêvão Pinto, Lisboa

